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I will swim 181 km and help the Cyber Hero!

Hello, I am Yuri Saramutin, a professional athlete, MS in swimming and CCM in triathlon, multiple winner of Russian and international competitions, the current record holder of Russia at several distances. From 18 to 22 August I will take part in the unique X-Waters Samara. I will not only swim 181 km along the Volga in five days, but also plan to raise 100 thousand rubles together with my Plav Club team to help 13-year-old Yegor Krinitsky. The boy lives in Volgograd with his parents and older sister, dreams of becoming a professional footballer, in general, he differs from thousands of his peers in only one thing - Yegor has no right hand. Egor dreams of a "cyber hand", a bionic prosthesis worth more than 550 thousand rubles. I'd like to bring his dream closer, to give the child the opportunity to evaluate a different quality of life, to give additional opportunities! This means more self-confidence, opportunities and plans for the future. Join our team! Let's help Egor together! Let him become a real Cyber Hero!

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Реквизиты компании

ООО «Доброе Дело» Местонахождение и почтовый адрес: 117525, г. Москва, ул.Днепропетровская, д.3, корп. 5, 1 этаж, пом.III, ком. 6, офис 2 ОГРН 1157746776087 от 24.08.15
ИНН 7726350600 КПП 772601001
р/с 40702810902980000634 в АО "Альфа-Банк" г. Москва
к/с 30101810200000000593
БИК 044525593
Телефон: 8 (499) 112 4780 Email:



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