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113 km semi-iron distance at the Bronze Horseman triathlon
Event: y.krzhizhanovskaya
Hello, my name is Yana Krzhizhanovskaya and one day running completely changed my habits, thoughts and lifestyle. For 9 years, amateur sports have become not just a hobby, but also a profession - for two years now I have been in the best team of organizers of IRONSTAR triathlon competitions. And this year I'm trying triathlon myself - and I'm starting right away with a half-iron distance: it's 1.9 km of swimming, 90.1 km of cycling and 21.1 km of running. I have already covered all these distances as independent competitions, but never as part of a triathlon. And I'm very scared and excited. But I am inspired and motivated by the success of the children under the care of the More Than You Can Foundation, whom I have repeatedly met at our competitions. The foundation's mission is to make sports accessible to everyone, regardless of physical condition and diagnosis in the medical record. I am very close to the idea of working on myself, on my abilities, despite external circumstances, initial data, 24/7 work schedule and personal upheavals. The very name "More than you can" sounds like a motto. Since 2016, the Foundation has been working to ensure that athletes with different physical abilities train together and participate in mass sports competitions. My goal at the start of the "Bronze Horseman" is to go the distance, meet the limit, not get off, not get scared. The goal is to show that each of us, having shown perseverance and composure, can overcome difficult competitions (namely, this is how triathlon always seemed to me - difficult and inaccessible). My mission is to help the More than You Can Foundation in whatever way I can. View more >>
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